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Yoga personalised


 Excell through 1-on-1 tuition


Precious time for you and you alone


About a 1-on-1 session

Private sessions enable you to take your yoga practice to a much deeper level, whereby we can concentrate on specifics that will help improve the way you think about movement.

In addition to exploring yoga postures, there is the opportunity to deepen your understanding and relationship with yogic principles. Time on the mat can be spent sharing aspects of your world that you may not feel comfortable disclosing to others. Clients in high pressure roles for example, often use the time to verbalise their circumstances in a safe and private environment. This should not be considered a counselling session but more so an avenue to allow thought, breathe and movement to move freely and without limitation.


Who’s it for?

Private sessions cater to a range of people all with a love of yoga and a respect for what the principles of yoga can provide.

My sessions are ideal for people who front each day with a host of pressures both in a physical and mental capacity. I have a host of experience with medical professionals, executives, and athletes as well as supporting people with anxiety, or stress related concerns.

If you believe that yoga and its teachings may serve to guide your health or spiritual advancement then I encourage you to explore a private session with me to deepen your connection with yoga.

>> Read testimonials



Given the time pressures many of my clients are under, my availability allows for sessions to be scheduled commencing at 5am, 7-days a week.

So for those of you who have small windows of time that you can truly call your own, there are no excuses for not including yoga in your life!

An online booking calendar will be provided very shortly but in the meantime, please connect with me directly if you’d like to schedule your private yoga session in advance.

Sessions to be purchased in advance.

1x Private Session 1x Private Session
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4x Private Sessions 4x Private Sessions
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8x Private Sessions 8x Private Sessions
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For a three month package alternative please refer to my Monthly Moksha.

I find that our sessions are positive on several levels. One, the hour of refuge and peace from the rush and bustle of everyday life, and two, the longer term benefit to mind and body. This comes from having a gradually evolving, personalised, professional and varied program that strikes the right balance between challenge and reward; relaxation and effort. I can honestly say if money were no object I would start every working day with an RVL Yoga session!
— Dr Richard Newton

