With a Monthly Moksha Package

Private tuition and guidance.
accessible + purposeful.
What you get…
Note: minimum 3x month commitment is required
You AND Me –
1 hour/mo
Each month we will connect either in person (non-touch) or via teleyoga for a 1 hour session. Our time together will cover whatever aspects of your yoga practice you feel needs the attention. If you are having trouble with certain movements because of injury or pain, we can create ways to strengthen and condition the muscles concerned so as you can continue to progress in your yoga. Additionally, if your mind is talking louder than it should, we can address techniques to bring more purpose and quiet into your everyday life. All in all, it’s precious time for you.
Personal Vid
1/2hr personalised online sequence for download. This is supplied shortly after our 1hr session together, encapsulating the practical aspects and methodologies of what we had just discussed allowing you to put the teachings into play the moment you next step onto the mat.
Saturday Sutra’s
Each month receive complimentary access to the full repertoire of Rhyanna’s online Saturday Sutra’s and ‘subscription only’ content. Every Saturday Sutra is a minimum 1 hour yoga practice. It is advised to commit to one of these practice sessions at least once per week throughout your Monthly Moksha’s to enable your yoga to grow to new heights. The ‘subscription only’ content is especially beneficial for executives, medical professionals, athletes and those experiencing anxiety.
Is this for me?
This program has been set up to offer an understanding of yoga as a unique personalised practice. It requires a minimum three month commitment so as we may develop a deeper knowledge of your practice and work to towards a deepening of your experience when you step onto the mat.
My experience and specialty lays in the tuition of yoga for individuals in demanding roles such as medical professionals, executives, and athletes as well as supporting people with anxiety.
Please note: Once a purchase has been made, I will be in touch to arrange our sessions together.
“Second only to having a 1-on-1 with Rhy in person, being able to connect with Rhy from a remote corner of the world was a godsend for me last year, and I would recommend it to anyone. I signed on for a 6 session package with Rhy during a time of big transition.
My fiancé & I had just purchased a sailboat in Florida to eventually sail around the world & back to Australian shores. We were navigating new waters in every way as we learned to sail, adjusted our lifestyle & relationship to a new, salty, & ever dynamic way of life. It was exciting, terrifying & dynamic. There was nothing routine, normal or organized about it. And I knew I needed support. Enter Rhy.
Rhy coached & counseled me during this wild time, helping me implement a sense of grounding to my new life on the water. I found our sessions invaluable. During our time together I found the support & inspiration I needed to embrace the big changes in my life. Rhy helped me to see things from a higher perspective when times got tough & guided me in developing a daily practice so that I could feel grounded on the ocean.
She is a beacon of light & time spent with Rhy, is time spent connected with my deepest, truest self, aligned with the divine.”