Yoga instructed the way it should be – guided with a deep knowledge of the poses and care for where you at in your practice
A yogic approach
I hope to open your eyes to yoga, to share what I have learnt and to help you make some valuable choices, adjustments and commitments in your life. In our time together a few things will always be the same; we will be on the mat and present in a truthful conversation.
Mindfulness & Breath
Tradition & Linage
Alignment & Focus
Faith & Connection
Yoga for one
Yoga is for everyone and yet yoga is deeply personal. It is my view that your practice should be uniquely yours, respectful of the linage and traditions, and serve you in understanding the lessons from the past all the while allowing you to open to the current and future world in which we live.
Through my teachings as well as others, I encourage you to take aspects that are pertinent to you and propagate them into your own practice. To create a relationship with yourself; your breath, your body, your soul, this is my aim. A practice that stays with you from here on in. A connection that gives you purpose, faith and certainty, always.